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Arthritis-inflamation of jointsHERBALDIET has designed special formulation for inflamation of joints as JOINTDYTE best formulation for regenerating joints, improve inflamation in joints and joint tissues.This…

₹ 750.00
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Product Model: HERBAL5865

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  1. Arthritis-inflamation of joints
  2. HERBALDIET has designed special formulation for inflamation of joints as JOINTDYTE best formulation for regenerating joints, improve inflamation in joints and joint tissues.
  3. This diet improves the structural changes in the articular cartilage of the joints, which are weight bearing such as spine and knees.
  4. This diet releases pain and stiffness in the joints.
  5. Diet of the patients should be on alkaline pattern which dissolves accumulation around joints and other tissues.
  6. This diet helps and regenerates worn out tissues and nourishes the skeleton structure.
  7. Constipation should be avoided as it poisons the system and add irritation and inflamation to joints.
  8. Obesity places excess stress on weight bearing joint, smooth functioning of tendous ligaments and muscles should be controlled.
  9. Herbaldiet recommends ALOEDYTE for cleansing, LIVOCARE for constipation along with JOINTDYTE as healthy solution and diet to joints.
  10. Use HERBAL PAIN GUARD OIL for pain stiffness and to keep joints warm.

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